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当前位置: IEfans / 安卓游戏 / 休闲益智/ 史上最恶搞的游戏


  • 软件类型:休闲益智
  • 更新时间:2024-01-24 09:24:01
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 软件大小:57.48MB
  • 软件版本: 1.7.4
  • 软件平台:Android


You can expect:

- 48 brain’ed new levels of hilariously stupid riddles and teasers!

- A series of funny head-scratching, stomach aching meme-magic mini games

- More multi-coloured graphics and animation!

- 6 TFQ unlucky bonus levels to face!

- Cool new sound effects: squeeks and eeks in perfect ha-ha harmony!

- Where else can you make fun of videos, celebrities and yourself in one game?

Fans of free escape and point and click games will just love the brained new levels of video memes from "TrollTube" filled with twisted slapstick humor, unfortunate toilet fates and well-planned clicks (or tricks)! Are you smart enough for this challenging game?

Entertain your brain with more point-and-click teasers full of jokes, pranks and puzzles that will make fun of anyone and everyone that received too much attention. Each level will have you scratching your head or laughing out loud to test your be-awareness to the limit.

Find hidden objects, sing just-in beavers and goats OR test some flex against muscles from Brussels. Click your way out of various sticky situations in a make-fun or be-made-fun-of comic FANtasy.

Be prepared to troll on the floor with laughter again and again with this endless fun game. Download the app for your smartphone or tablet now and put your memeory to the test!



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